Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(b5) t. The Prefervationof theDoctrine of theGofpel in its Pu- rity, and Obedience unto the Commands of Chrift in its In- tegrity. For the Firft; the Scripture is full of Predictions; all confirmed in the Event, that after the days of the Apoffles, there fhould be various Attempts to wreft, corrupt, and per- vert the Dottrine of the Gofpel, and to bring in pernitious Errors and Herefies. To prevent, or reprove, and remove them, is no fmall Part and Duty oftheMiniflerial Office in the Difpenfationofthe Word. But whereas thofe who taught fuch perverfe things, did for the moil part arife at firft in the Churches themfelves; Att. zo. 3o. z `Pet. z. i. i John z. 19. as the Preaching of the Word was appointed for the rebuke of the Doctrines themfelves, fo this Difcipline was ordained in the Church with refpeét unto the Perfons of them by whom they were taught, Rev. 2.1. 4. zo. 3 Yoh. 8. 9. Gal. 5. a z. And fo alfo it was with refpe& unto Schifms and Divifi- ons that might fall out in the (hurch. The way of fuppref- fing things of this Nature by external force, by theSword of Magiftrates, in Priions, Fines, Banifhments, and Death, was not then thought of, nor dire&ed unto by the Lord Jefus Chrift ; but is highly difhonourableunto him, as though the ways of his own appointment , were not fufiicient for the Prefervation of his own Truth , but that his Difciples muff betake themfelves unto the fecular Powers of this World who for the molt part are wicked, Prophane, and ignorant of theTruth, for that end. And hereunto belongeth the Prefrvation of his Commands, in the Integrity of Obedience. For he appointed that hereby care fhould be taken, of the Ways, Walkings, and Conver- fation of his Difciples, that in all things it fhould be fuch as became the Gofpel. Hence the exercife of this Difcipline lie ordained toconfiftinEx.hortations ,'Admonitions,Reproofs, of any that should offend in things Moral or of his efpecial Inflitution, with the total 'Re)e&ion ofthem that were ob- ftina:e in their Offences; as we fliall fee afterwards. z. The