Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(6g) and the Gofpel andan effectual means to reprefent him in ti the Glory cf his Wifdom and Love, and for the Exercife of all Graces in the Church, unto the bleífed Ends now deck- red; was turned into a Dornination,.Earthly andSecular, Ex ercifed In aProphane, Litigious, Unintelligible Procefs, ac- cordingunto the Arts, Ways, and Terms of the worfi of Law Courts, by Perfons for the moft part remote from any juft Pretence of the leafi Intereft in Church Power, on caufes and for ends , forein unto the Difcipline of the Gofpel, by a Tyranny over theConfcjences, and over the Perfons of the Difciples of Chrift,unto the Intolerable fcandal ofthe Gofpel, and Rule of Chrift in his Church, as is evident in the State and Rule of the Churchof Rome. As thefe are the general, Ends of the Inftitution of a Church- State under the Gofpel, and in Order unto them, it is a great Divine Ordinance for the Glory of Chrift , with the Edification and Salvation of them that dobelieve. Wherefore that Church-State which is fuited unto thefe Ends, is that which is appointedby Chrift; and whatever kindof Church or Churches is not fo, prima- rily, and as fuch, are not of his Appointment.. But it is in Congregational Churches alone, that thefe things can be done and obferved. For unto all ofthem there are requiredAfíem- blies of the wholeChurch; which wherever they are, that Church is Congregational. No fuchChurches as thofemen- tioned before, Papal; Patriarchical, Metrópolitical, Diccefan, or in any way National, are capable of theDifchargeof thefe Duties, or attaining of thefe Ends. If it be faid, that what they cannot do: in themfelves ; as that they cannot together in one place profefs, and exprefs their Subsection unto the Commands of Chrift, they cannot have perfonal Communi- nion in the Celebration of Gofpel Ordinances of Worlhip, nor exercife Difcipline in one Body and Society ; they can yet dothe fame things otherwife; partly in fingle Congre- gations appointed by themfelves , and partly in fuch ways tor the Adminiflrationof. Difcipline,, as are fuited untotheir State.