Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

To the. Reader: fuch Report ; For he was lure, that he believ- ed the Pope to be Antichril , which put an abfo- lute Period unto the Entercourf . And I can infift on thefame defenfative, again fortyfuch Arguments a are ufed toprove us compliant )vith the Papal Inte- reft ; and fo I believe can all the Non%confirms. And if this be not enough I can for my part fubfcribe unto the Conclufìon which that moft eminent Champion of the Ptoteftant eligion in England , namely Whitaker, gives unto his learned Dfputeltion about Antichrif$; Igitnr (faith he) fequamur prxeun- reem Spi ritum San&um, & libere dicamus, de- fendamus, clamemus, & per eum qui vivit in xternum juretnus, pontificem Romanum elfe Antichrifl um. If this will not fu f fece, eve knob? better holy to 'Pend our remaining haloes of Life and Peace, then in Contending about impertinent ftories andJurmies, ex- hal'd by Wit and Invention out of the bogge offecular Intereft. And (hall therefore only affure thofe by whom we are Charged, in the Pulpit, or Coffee-houfes, or from the Pref, to Countenance the promotion of the Papal Intereft in the Nation, that a they deal unju.Ytiy 'Did, us herein, and weaken the Prote.Ftant Intereft -what lies in them ; fo let them and others do and