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(7Z ) otherwife,to multiplyfalfe Expolitions ofany place of Scrip- ture, and to contend earneftly about them, that thereon as unto us, they lofe their inftruâive Power, and certain De- termination of the Truth, we fhould quickly have no Bot- tomor Foundation for our Faith, in the molt important Arti- cles of Religion ; nor could have fo at this day. But all the various Pretences of men, fome whereof would have the Pope, others a General Councel, fome the Civile Magifirate, fome the 5tetvifh Synagogue, fome a Company of Arbitrators, are nothing but fo many Inftances of what Intereft, Preju- dice, corrupt Lufts, ambitious Defigns with a diflike of the Truth, will bring forth. Tome it feems ftrange that any im- partial man reading this Context, can take the Church in this place in any other fenfe, but for fuch a Society, as where unto an offending and offendedBrother or Difciple of Chrift, might andought to belong, to the Bodywhereof they might addrefs themfelves for Relief and Remedy , or the Removal of Offences, byvertueof the Authority and Appointment of Jefus Chrift. It were an endlefs Taskand unfuited unto our prefent 27e- fign, to examine the various pretenfons unto the Church in this place; enough aifo if not toomuch hath been written already about them. I (hall therefore obferve only fome few things from the context,which will fufficientlyevidencewhat fort of Church it is, that is here intended. i. The Rule and Dire&ion given by our Saviour in this place unto his Difciples, doth not concern civil Injuries as fuch ; but fuchSins as have Scandaland Offence in them, ei- ther caufing other men toSin, or givingthemGrief andOf- fence for Sin, whereby the exercife of Leve in mutual Com- munion maybe impeded. Private Injuries may be refpected herein, butnot as Injuries, but fo far as they are fcandalous, and matterofOffence unto them unto whom they are known. And this appears ; (1) From the proper Signification of the Thrafe here tiled ;