Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(So) Multitude of them that are faid to believe, and fo confequent- ly wereof that Church; fo as that they could not a(J"emble toge- ther : For whereas the Scripture fays exprefly, that the mul- titude ofthe Church did come together ; it is fcarce fair for us to to fay they were filch a multitude as that they could not come together. And it is evident that thegreat numbers of Believers that are laid tobeat jerufalem,were thereonly occafionally, and were not fixed in that Church, For many years after,a fmall Vil- lage beyond Jordan could receive all that were fo fixed in it. The Church at Antioch, gathered together in one Affembly; Ad. 14. 27. to hear `Pauland Silas. This Church thus called together is called the Multitude; chap. 15. 3o. that is the whole Brotherhood at leaft of that Church. The whole Church ofCo- inth did a(femble together in one place, both for folemnWor- fhip, and the exercife of Difcipline, r Col.. 8.8. chap. 14.25, 26. chap. 1 r . 1 7, 2 . 0 . It is no way neceffary to plead any thing in the illuftration, or for the Confirmation of thefe Teftimonies. They all of them Speak pofitively in a matter of fa&, which will ad- mit of no debate, unlefs wewill put in exceptions unto the Veracity oftheir Authors. And they are of themfelves fufficient to eflabliihour Aidrtion. For whatever may be the Rateof any Church, as unto its Officers or Rule, into what order foever it be difpofed ordinarily or occafionally for its Edification, fo long as it is its Duty, to afJ'emble in, and with all its Members in one place, either for the exercifeof its Power, the Performance of its Duty, or Enjoyments ofits Priviledges, it is a tingle Con gregation and. no more. ç. TheDuties prefcribed unto all Church Members in the writings of the Apoftles, to be diligently attended unto by them, are fuch, as either in their Nature,or the manner of their performance, cannot be attended unto, and duly accomplifh- ed but in aparticular Congregation only. This I shall immediate- ly freak diiiinf}ly unto, and therefore only mention it in this place. Thefe