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92 The State of the firfi Churches, &c. Meßëngers.; 'T'S a'7rESa71.1.VÉV115 tú9' ñf.61P : that arefent by 1!S our Meffengers , - our Apoftles in thefe matters. Such as the Churches made ufe of on all fuch occafions in the A- poftles days,2 Cor. 8.23. And theperlons whom they Pent were only Members ofthe Church, and not Officers ; nor do we any where hear ofthem under that Chara&er. Now they could not be Cent in the name of the Church, but by its content ; nor could the Church content, without its Affen)bling together. This was the (tate and order of the firft Churches; in that Communion which was amongft them, according to the mind of Chrift, they had a fingular concern in the welfare and prolperity ofeach other, and were folicitous about them in their trials. Hence thole who were plant. ed at a greater diftance than would allow frequent perfo- nal convene with their refpe&ive Members, did on all occafions fend Meffèngers unto one another; fometimes meerly to vifit them in love, and fometime.s to give or take Advice. But there things, as indeed almoftall others that belong unto theComnaunion of Churches, either in. themlelves , or with one another, are either utterly loft and buryed, or kept above ground, in a pretence of Epif= copal Authority; Churches themfelves being wholly ex- cluded from any concernment in them. But as the Advice of the Church of Rome was defired in this cafe by the whole ChurchofCorinth; ( ,,i armp L/1, ropafi rwv) fo it was given by the Body of the Par. I, Church ttfelf, and fent by Meffengefs of their own. 3. The defcription given of theRate , ways and wal- king of the Church of Corinth , that is , _that P. 2' 3' 4 whole Fraternityof the Church, which-fell af- terwards into that diforder which is reproved,before their fall , is filch , as that it befpeaks their walking together in one and the fame fociety , and is fufficient to make any good