Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The State of the firfi Churches, &e. 93 good man delire, that he might fee Churches yet in -the world, untowhom, or the generality of whole Members, that Delcriptionmight be honefily and ju{iiy accommo- dated. OneCharaaer which is given of them I {Ball men- tion only. rJT.ripns zuvóliiu`g.T(,cyiEr axxuoi; or:vÏcu ;),(vgo. ¡z uvI , oozasCu1 ñs, áv c1 7repBu1.4 k'1' évG5 wo1Srt atç É LTC-iPCL e ra s XElptlA ú1411 7TJ i 7. c f 0% ?0 N1,QV, IY.kTól.O1'Tes iwTov 1 ces ytvia%, E Te cë((7t.9rI5 íjmi!e.'Ay n ñv viv >¡arpcts 9ÿ vUx`TJ5 "`vY 7ttt.o'%15 Z" ahA(pÓTnTe ,, c TT O"GÌà. E fJkT' eJL6&s Ki mvH3\rl(ew5, v c2& Op v 'z. exl\kxTáv'cVl-g. There was afull (or plentiful) effufton of the Holy Ghojl uponyou all; fo that beingfull (or filled) with an holy will , (holinefs of will) and a good readinefs of mind , with a pious devout confidence , youfiretchedout your hands in Prayers to Al- mighty God, fupplicatinghis clemency (or Mercy) for the pardon ofyour involuntary fins ; (tins fallen into by infir- mity, or the furprizalsof Temptations not contented to , not delighted or continued in) your labour or contentionof fpirit, ('Ary vry vµïv, as the Apo{ile (peaks , W7,91) áyú,vcc Col. 2. I.) was night and day (in your Prayers) for the whole Brotherhood, (that is, elpecially of their own Church itfelf) that the number of Gods Elea might befa- ved in mercy, throughagood Confidence towards him. This was theirfiate , this was their Liturgie, this their praaice. ( I.) "There was on all the Members of the Church a plentiful effufon of the Holy spirit in his Gifts and Graces ; wherein, it may be,refpeéi is had unto what was affirmed by the Apofile before of the fame Church, a Cor. r. 4, 5, 6, 7. the fame Grace being yet continued unto them. (2.) By vertue of this Efnfion of the Spirit on all of them, their Wills and Affe&ions being lanéiify- ed, their minds were enabled to pour forth fervent pray- ers unto God. (3.) They were not luch as lived in any open fin, or any fecret fin, known to be fo, but were only fubjeft