Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

9S The State of thefirfrt Churches, &c. Epifcopacy , (that is,Epifcopacyitfelf;) For this caufe be- ing indued with a perfea forefight of things, they appoin- ted thofe fore mentioned (their first Converts, unto the Office of the Minifiry)for the future defcribing or giving order about the courfe of the Miniflry, that other appro- ved men might fucceed them in their Minifiry. Thefe (Elders) therefore who werefo appointedby them, and af- terwards by other famottt men , with the content of the whole Church, &c. Sundry things wemayobferve in this Difcourfe.(t.)The Apoftles forefaw there would be flrife and contention a- bout the name ofEpifcopacy ; that is, the Office itfelf, and thofe who fhould pofiefs ir. This Epifcopacy was that Office which the depofed Elders had well difcharged in the Church of Corinth. This they might forefee from the nature of the thing itfelf, the inclination of men un- to preheminence , and the infhance they had teen in their own days, in fuch as Diotrephes, with the former Divifì- ons that had been in this very Church about their Tea- chers , i Cor. 1. 12. But moreover, they were infiruct- ed in the knowledge of it by our Lord Jefus Chrift, through his Divine Spirit abiding with them,and teaching them all things. This therefore they fought by all means to prevent 5 and that twoways : (r.) In that for the farfi time themfelves appointed approved perfons unto the Of- fice of the Minifiry ; not that they did it of themfelves without the confent and choice of the Churchwhereunto any of them were appointed , for this was directly con- trary unto their practice, Aïi. t. 15, 22,23, 26. Chap. 6. 3. Chap. 14. 23. But that the peace and edification ofthe Churches might be provided for , they themfelves fpiritu- ally tryedand approved offit perfons fo to lead the Church in their choice. Wherefore that which is added after- wards of, the confent of the whole Church , is to be refer- red