Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The State of thefril Churches, &c. toy this only f fay, that he doth in none of them, take the leaf notice, or give the leer intimation of. any Church. (fate, but fuch alone, wherein theMembers of the whole Churchdid conftantly meet together in the fame place, for the worfhip of God and Communion among themfelves. And not only fo, but he every where in all his t< piffles to them, afcribes fuch Duties and Rights unto the Churches, as cannot be obferved and preferved but in particular Churches only. Nor doth he leave any room for any o- ther Church-(fate whatever. Although therefore, there might have been, and probably there was Tome Al.erati- ois in the Orderof the Churches , from what was of Pri- mitive Inftitution ;yet was there as yet no fuch change in their (fate, as to make way for thole greater alterations , which not longafter enfued. For they were not intro- duced, until through a defeët in the multiplication of Churches in anequality of Powerand Order, whichought tohave been done , they were encreafed into that multi- tude for number of Members, and were fo diffufed as un- to their habitations, as made an appearance ofaNeceflity of another Conffitution of Churches, andanother kind of Rule, thanwhat was of original appointment. Juflin Martyr wrote his fecond Apology for the Chri- ftians unto the Roman Emperours, about the year 150. It is marvellous toconfider how ignorant not only the common fort of the Pagans, but thePhilofophers alfo,and Governours oftheNations, were of the nature of Chrifti- an Churches, andof the worfhip celebrated in them. But who are fo blind as thole who will not fee ? Even unto thisday, not a few are willingly, or rather wilfully igno- rant of the nature offuch Aflèmblies, or what is perforo med in them,as were among the Primitive Chriffians,that they may be at liberty to fpeak all manner of evil of them falfely. Hence wereall the Reports and [Bories a- P mong