Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

i The State of thefarf Churches, &c, 107 of the Perfonand Offices of Chrifi, as appears through- out hiswhole Apologie. (a.) This preachingof the Word,. or Declaration oftheTruth ofthe Gofpel unto the Con- verfion of the Hearers hedoth not confine unto any efpecial fort of perlons, as he doth afterwards that Admi- nifiration of the holy things in the Church; but .fpeaks of it in general , as the work of all Chritlians that were, able for it,as doth theApollle, i Cor. t 4.24, 2 5. (3 hole who were converted did two things. (r.) pro- feffed their Faithor Affent unto the Truth of the Dom ¿trineoftheGofpel. (2.) They took it on therrfelves, to live according to the Rule of it, todo and obierve the things commanded by Jefus Chrift, as he appointed they Ihould, Math. 28. 18, z9. (d.) To Iay a fure and com- fortable foundation of their future profit-lion, they were taught to confefs theirformer fins and by earnefi prayer with fallings to Peek of God the pardon and forgivenefs ofthem. And (5.) Herein,(fuch was their loveand zeal) thofe who had been the means of their Converfion, joyn- ed.,tvith them for their comfort and edification. It is well known how this whole procefs is loft, and on what ac- count it is difcontinued. But whether it be done fo un- to theAdvantageof Chriftian Religion , and the good of the Souls of Men, is well worth a flrid enquiry. a. In the next place he declares how thole who were f {r converted, were condL ed unto Baptifm , and how they were initiated into theMylleries of theGofpel thereby. 3. When any was fo Baptized, they brought himunto the Church whichhe was tobe joyned unto. `H(,tcs gems xúarai z- 7re77'c4o7/ /ov avvNSGTareEt(4iov, 6 -r s Xe9rp4vvs dä .ç s cé)pµsv, fv.Su CLUM714io1 HvI, r,9111á5 61rá5 W ina4¡,svct "1 Te fiatr?LJV , xj 143 9COTlcúPTg á%l%tow 91IX.v?:4%; `7ICEv:G;v Oovas, x?. Himwho is thus Baptized, whobelieveth, and is received(by confent) among us, or tobe ofour number, P 2 we f