Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The State of thefill Churches, 86c. 109 cers, fPyEsuizvs and c,r voi, PrefdentsandDeacons. Of the fitti fort, in theDuty of one of their Affemblies he mentions but one ; ó irpóEç-ais, the Prefadent, the Ruler, the Bifhop , towhom belonged the Adminiflrationof all the holy Myfieries. And that we maynet think that he is called the rlpoisws, with refpeá untoany Preheminence over other Miniflers or Elders, like a Diocefan Bithop, he terms him, IlpoESws f ¿äè up v , he that prefided over the Brethren of that Church. Now certainly that Church wherein one Prefident, Elder, Presbyter, or Bithop, did adminitier th Holy Ordinances in one place unto all the Members of it, was aparticular Congregation. 6. The things that he afcribeth unto this Leader, to bo done at this general meeting of' the Church, every Lords day ; were, (r.) That heprayed; (2.) That after the rea- dingof the Scripture he preached. (3.) That he confeera- ted the Eucharifl; the Elements of the Bread and Wine being ditiributed by the Deacons, unto the Congregation. (hi .) That he doled the whole Worfhip of the day in prayer. 7. In the Confecration of the Sacramental Elements , he obferves that the . Prefdent prayed at large, giving thanks to God; 'Ev%cte,tseLv c2r; aú vQZ dq. So vain is the pretence of fore , that in the Primitive times they confecrated the Elements by the Repetition oftheLords prayer only. After the participation of the Eucharift, there was a Collection madefor thepoor , as he defcribeth it at large; what was fogathered being committed to the Pallor, who took care for the ditiributionof it, unto all forts of poor belongingunto the Church. Hereunto was added, as 7ertullian obferves, theExercife of Difcipline in their Af emblies , whereof we (hall fpeak afterwards. The clofe of theAdminiftration of the Sacrament, Puffin gives us in thefe words, Kass' ó Ilpoes s'Etaa'',só'¡ggíws 6 iuxaec- ,-íxs 1