The State of the firff Churche,r, Sze. 115 was followed , and their Direc`kions obferved. For fo he writes; `H¡.i.HS k4v7 ¶rvA.H oaka aúpa,c, mture,46.,, x'n&v A.ó7..0 .97"s 6?n57461uot tl JYYT&S A674) e) ßíw t;74E7 A1040- 1.4n5 cipxsv Pi , t äfxV ÉX.X.AnaM3P 490t59á v.° - --KcaEt - 4,V10111 ot stRws aprIns cv Tñ 'Ex uwia, tizaó T45 O óv TP,íd, Af74) 3 'Ex)0u7a65,;,0,1 D'49yiot tiro ú re97E1cc71.45a. And we knowing that there are other Congregations gathered in the Towns up anddown, by the Preaching of the Word ofGod ; (or that there is another Heavenly City in any Town built by the wordof God) weperfwadeforce that are found in Dotirine and of good Converfation , and meet for their Rule, to take on them the conduct or Rule of thofe Churches ; and thefe whili they Rule within the Churches thofe folyteties of' Divine Inflitution by whom they are chofen , theygovern them according to the Prefcriptions or Commands andRules givenby God himfeif. Adver. Celf. lib. 8. Thole of whom he (peaks, ,;,Hs, were the Parlors or principal Members of the Churches that were of ablithed. When they underftood that in any place diftant from them, a number ofBelievers were called andgathered into Church order by the Preaching of the Word, they pre- lently, according unto their duty , took care of them , enquired into their State and condition, afiftíng them in particular, in finding out, trying, and recommending un- to them, perfons meet to be their officers and Rulers. There he acknowledgeth to be Chúrches and Cities of God, upon their Collection by the Preaching ofthe Word, antecedently unto the contlitution of any Officers among them; as the Apoftles allo did, Atl. 14. 22, 23. Where- fore the Church isefrentially before its ordinary Officers, and cannot as unto its continuance depend on any Suc- ceffion of theirs, which they have none , but what it gives unto them. There Officers, thus recommended, Q2 were