The State of the firfi Churches, &c. 119 26, 27, 28. Colof I. I, 2. Chap. 2.3. Chap. 3. 16. Chap. 4. 9,12,16,17. 17hef. 5. II, 12, 13, 14. 2 Thef< 3. 6,7, 14, 15. Heb. 12.13. Chap. Io. 24, 25. Chap. 12. 15, 16. In thefe,I fay ,and other places innumerable,there are thole things affirmed of , and afcribed unto the Apofiolical Churches, as unto theirState, Order, Aífemblies, Duties , Powers and Priviledges, as evinces them tohave beenon- lyparticular Congregations. CHAP. VI. Congregational Churches alone fuited unto the ends of Chrifl in the Inflitution of his Church. Aving given an account of that State and Order of the Gofpel-Churches which are of Divine Inflituti- on , it is neceffary that we declare alto their fuitablenefs andfuficiency unto all the ends for which the Lord Chrifl appointed fuckChurches. For iftherebe any true proper end of that nature, which cannot be attained in or by any Churchfiate in this or that form, it milt be granted that noinchforns is of Divine Appointment. Yea, it is neceffary not only that filch a flare as pretends unto a Di- vine Original, be not only not contradi&oryunto, or in « confifient with fuch anend , but that it is effeÉivallik.condu- eing thereunto, and in its place neceffary unto that pur- pole. This therefore is that whichwe [hall now inquire into; namely, whether this State and Form of Gofpel- Churches infngle Congregations be fuited unto all thole ends for which any inch Churches were- appointed ; which they milli beon the account ofthe wifdomof Jefus Chrift, the Author and Founder of them, or be utterly difcar- ded