Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

120 Congregational Churches alone ded from their pretence. Nor is there any more forcible Argument againft any pretended Church-(late, Rile, or Order, than that it is obitruétive unto the Souls of men in attaining the proper ends of their whole Inftitution. What thefe ends are, was in general beforedeclared; I (hall not here repeat them, or go over them again, but only tingle out the confiderationof thole which are ufual- ly pleaded, as not attainable by this wayof Churches la fipgle Congregations only; or that at leaft they are not fuited unto their Attainment. The firft of thefe is Mutual Love among all Chriftians, all the Difciples of Chri[t. By the Difciples of Chria I intend them , and themonly , who profefs Faith in his Merlon and Doctrine , and tohear him, or to be guided by him alone , in all things that appertain unto the Wor- fhip of God, and their living unto him, If thereare any called Chriflians who in there things choole other guides, call other Miniflers, hear them in their appointments , we muff fever them from our prefent confideration, though thereare important Duties requiredof us towards them allo. But what is alledged is neceffary unto the conftitu- tion of a true Difciple of Chriit. Unto all thofe, his great command isMutual Love among themlelves. This he calls in an efpecial manner his Commaudment,and a new Commandment, as for other P,eafons, fo becaufe he had gi- ven the firft abfolute great Exampleof it in himfelf,as allo difcovered Motives unto it,and Reafons for it,which Man- kind before was in thedark unto. And Each weightdoth he lay on this command , that he declares, the manifefta- tion of the glory of God , his own Honour, and the E- vidence to be givenunto the world that we are his Dilci- ples,do depend on our Obedience thereunto. To exprefs and exerciCe this Love, in all the A&s and Duties of it among his Difciples, was one end of his ap- pointing