Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

fuitedunto the ends of aryls Infitution. a a pointing them to walk in Church- relation one unto an- other, wherein this Love is the bond of PerfeJnefs. And the lofs of this Love, as unto its due exercife, is no lets a pernicious part cf thefatal Apoflacy of the Chur- ches, than is the lofs ofFaith and Wor(hip. For here- on is Chritendom , as it is ulually called , become the greateft flag of Hatred, Rage, Wrath, Blood(hed, and mutual Defolations,that is in the whole world ; fo as that wehave noway to anCwer the` ObjeCtionof the Jews, ar- guing againft us from the divine PromiCes of Love and Peace in the Kingdomof the Mellish , but by granting that all thefe things arife from a Rebellion againfi his Rule and Kingdom. Now this Love in its exercife is eminently preferved in this order ofparticular Churches For, z. The Principle of their colleáion into Each Socie- ties, next unto that ofFaith in Chrifi jeCus, is Love unto all the Saints. For their conjunion being with Come of them asfuch only,they muff have a Love untoall that are fo. And none of them would joy') in Inch Societies, if their fo doing did in any thing impair their Love unto all the Difciples of Chrifl, or icipede it in any of its Operations. And the Communion of thefe Churches .among themfelves , is and ought to be fuch, as that all of them do confiitute as it were one Body and common Church, as we íhall fee afterwards. And it is one prin- cipal Duty of them, to fair up themfelves in all their Members, unto a continual exercife of Love towards all the Saints of Chrifl, as occafion doth require ; and if they are defeûive in this Catholick Love , it is their fault , contrary to theRule and End of their Infiitu- tion. 2. Unto the confiant expreflion and exercife of this Love, there are required, (t.) Prefent fuitable Objects R unto