1'22 Congregational Churches alone unto all the Acts and Duties of it. (2.) A Defcription and Prefcription of thofe Ads and Duties. (3.) Rules for the right performance and exercifeof them. (,q..) An End to be attained in their Difcharge. All there things bath the Lord Chrift provided for his Difciples , in the Conjiitution and Rule of there Churches. And a due Attendance unto them bath heappointed,as the ¡nuance, Trial and Experiment of their Love unto all his Difci- pies. For whereas any might pretend fuch a Love, yet plead that they know not how nor wherein to exprefs and exercife it,efpecially asunto fundryDuties mentioned in the Scripture as belonging thereunto , he bath pro- vided this way , wherein they cannot be ignorant of the Duties ofLove,required of them, nor offuitable Objeîls, Rules and Ends for their practice. It were too long togo" over there things in particular ; 1 fhall only adde(what is eafily defenfible) that Gofpel -Love will never be reco- vered and reftored unto its priftine Glory, until parti- cular Churches or Congregations are reformed, and re- ducer to that exercife of Love without Diffimulation , which is required in all their Members among them- felves : For whilft No live in Envy and Malice, be hate- ful and hating one another, or whilft they live in an open negle& of all thofe Duties, which the Lord Chrift bath appointed to be obferved towards the Members of that Society whereunto they do belong, as a Pledge and Evidence of their Love unto all his Difciples, no fuch thing can be attained. And thus is it in moft Parochial Affemblies, who in the midft of their complaints of the Breach of Love and Union , byCome mens withholding Communion in Come parts of Divine Worship with them ; yet betides the common Duties ofCivility and Neighbourhood, neither know nor pra Life any thing of that: ,Spiritual Love, Delight and Communion that ought