fitited unto the ends ofChrifis Inflitution. g 23 ought to be amongft them , as Members of the fame Church. We boaft not ourfelves of any attainments in this kinder we know how fhort we come of that fervent Love that flourifhed in the firft Churches: But this we fay, that there is no way to recover it, but by that (late and order of particular Churches, which we propofe,nd ,, alt); RO&accv d`uúxpay, do adhere unto. But pretences unto the contrary are vehemently urged, and the clamours unto that end are loud and many. For this way, it is faid,offelting up particular Congregations, is that which hath caufed erldkfs Divifions, loft all Love and Chriftian Affe&ion among us, being attended with other mifchievous confequents , fuch as the moll Rheto- rical Adverfaries of it are fcarce able to declare ; nor could T'ertullus himfelf do it, ifhe were yet alive. For by this means men not meeting as they ufed to do, at the Adminiftration of the Sacrament, and Common- Prayer, all Love is loft among them. I anfwe r, i. This Objetlion , fo far as I am able to óbferve, is moftly managed by them who feem to know very little of the Nature and Duties of that Love which our Lord Jefus Chrift enjoyns in the Gofpel, nor do give any confiderable evidence of their Living , Walking and A tíng in the Power of it. And as unto what they fancy unto themfelves under that name, whereas it is evi- dent from common Practice, that it extends no farther but to peaceablenefs in things civil and indifferent, with forne expreflìons of kindnefs in their Mirth and Fea- flings, and other jovial Societies, we are not concerned in it. 2. This Obje&ion lies not at all a gainil the thing it felf; namely, that all Churches of Divine Inflitution are Congregational, which alone at prefent is pleaded R 2 for. h