t 24. Congregational Churches alone for; but againft the gathering of InchSocieties,or Congre- gations, in that Rate of things which now prevails amongfi us. But whereas this depends on Principles not yet declared and confirmed, the con(deration ofthis part of the Objection muff: be referred unto another place. I (hall only fay at prefent, that it is the greateft and molt powerful engine in the hand of Satan,and men of corrupt Secular Interefts , to keep all Church-aefor mation out of the world. But if the way itfelf be changed (which alone, as ab- folutely confdered, we at prefent defend) that change mui be managed with refpect unto force Principles con- trary unto Love and its due exercife , which it doth affert and maintain, or Tome pracnlices that it puts men upon of the lame nature and tendency. But this hitherto bath not been attempted, at leaft not effected 3. We do not finde that a joynt participation ofthe fame Ordinances at thefame time, within the fame walls, is in itfelf either an Effect, or Evidence , or Duty of Gofpel -Love, or any means for the prefervation or pro - motion of it. For it was diligently obferved in the Papacy, when all true Evangelical Love, Faith and Wor- fhip were loft. Yea , this kinde of Communion and Conjunction-, added unto an implicite dependance on the Authority of the Church, was fubflituted in their room, and multitudes were contented with them , as thofe which did behead them in their neglect of all other Graces and their exercife. And I with it were not fo among others who fuppofe they have all the Love that is required of them, if they are freed from fuch fcandalous variances with their Neighbours, as Thould make them unfit farthe Communion. 4. If this be the only means of Love, how do men maintain it towards any not of their own Parifh, feeing they