Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

fuited unto the ends ofChrifi'r Initution. r21 they never meet with them at the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ? And if they can live in love with thole of other Parifbes , why can they not do fo with thole who having the fame Faith and Sacraments with them, do meet apart for the exercife of Divine Worfhip, in Inch Congregations as we have defcribed? Wherefore, 5. The variance that is pretended to be caufed by the letting up of thefe particular Congregations , is a part of that variance which Chrift came to fend into the world, Matth. 1o. 34, 35, 36. Thinknot that Iam come to fend Peace on Earth I carne not to fend Peace, but a Sword. For I am come tofet a man at variance againfi his Fa- ther , and the Daughter againfi her Mother , and the. Daughter-in-lawagainfi her Mother-in-Law. Anda mans Foesfhall be they ofhis own Hou,/hold. He was thePrince of Peace 5 he came to make peace between God and. men 5 between men themfelves, Jews and Gentiles 5 he . taught nothing, enjoyned nothing, that in its own na- ture fhould have the leaft inconfiltency with Peace, or give countenance unto variance. But he declares what enfue andfall out, through the fin, the darknefs, unbelief and enmity unto the Truth that would con- tinueon .fome under the Preaching of the Gofpel, whil.OEl others of their neareft.. Relations fhould embrace the. Truth and profeffion.of. it. What occafion for.. this va, riance is taken from the gathering of .thefe Congrega.. tions, which the way itfelfdoth neither caule, nor give. the leafy countenance unto, we are not accountable for... Whereas thereforethere is with thofe among whom there variances and lofs of Love thereby are pretended, one. Lord, one Faith, one Baptifm, one Hope of their Calling, the fame Truth of the Gofpel Preached, thefame Sacra- ments adminiftred 5 and whereas both the Principles of the way., and the perlons of thofe who affemble in diffin,c