126' Congregational Churches alone dittin& Corporations for the Celebration of Divine Worthip do lead unto Love and the pra&ice of it in all its known Duties; all the evils that enfue on this way mutt be charged on the Enmity, Hatred, Pride and Secular , Intereft of men , which it is not in our power to cure. 2. Another end of the Institution of this ftate is, that the Church might be The Ground and Pillar of Truth, 1 Tim. 3. 15. that is , that it might be the principal outward means to fupport, preferve, publith, declare and propagate the Doctrine or Truth of the Gorpel, efpecially that concerning the Perron and Offices of Chritt, which the Apollie fubjoyns unto this Afertion in the next words. That Church Rate which Both not answer this End, is not of Divine Institution: But this the Minittry of there Churches is eminently flaked unto. There are three things required in this Duty, or re- quired unto this end , that the Church be the Ground and a Pillar of Truth. (t.) That it preferve the Truth in itfelf, and in the Profeffion of all its Members, againft all Seducers, falle Teachers, andErrours : This the Apo - ftle gives in rpecial charge unto the Elders of the Church of Ephefus, adding the lieafons of it, 20.2o. 28, 29, 30, 3i. This is in an efpecial manner committed unto the Officers of the Church , i Tim. 5. 20. 2 Tins. I. 13, 14. This the Minittry of there Churches is meet and fuited unto. The continual Infpeciion which they may and ought to have into all the Members of the Church, added unto that circumfpeelion about, and trial of the Do&rines Preached by themfelves, in the whole Body of the Church, fits them for this work. This is the Fundamental means (on the matter the only outward means) that the Lord Chrift bath appointed for the prefervation of the Truth of the Gofpel in this world , whereby