128 Congregational Churches alone infection of his pernicious Herefy, lib.7. cap. 26, 28,29'. And this care is 1h11 incumbent on every particular Church, if it would approve itfelf to be the Groundand Pillar of Truth. And in like manner Epiphanies giving an account of the Original of the Herefie of Noetus, a Patropaan, affi. ms , that the Holy Presbyters of the Ch arch called him, and enquired of his Opinion feveral times ; whereon being convifted before the Presbytery of enormous Errours , he was caf} out of the Church. 'A»ic FcE,TLI,VI 'rs,zr,;v (when he began to dífperfe his Er- rcur) árná cip-rtiv évr ovws of ¡txst:.scot 111peQßú,TEeyt rrñs Exx7.noftu weyo-r5Xeo44.4Jot é ñ774ov rre-sra x7rciv,7tev. -- -óbs 'rc, WpairuñpvH¡ro ó3r pecrßvzeeíe cí9,61. os. Epi- phanies, Hceref. cont. Noet. Heer. 38. Sec. 57. Hence it was that the Uoélrine of the Church, as unto the fubftance of it, was preferved entire during the two ffrft Centuries, and fomewhat after. Indeed as when the Ifraelites came out of Egypt, there came along with them a mixed multitude of other People, Exod. 12. 38. which fell to tufting for Meat when they came into the Wildernefs -, Numb. r r. 4. to the danger of the whole Congregation : So when Chriftianity was firft Preached and received in the world, betides thofe who embraced it fincerely, and were added unto the Church, there was a great mixture of lubborn Jews, as the Ebionites ; of Philofophical Greeks, as the Valentinians and the Mar- cionites; of plain impoftors , filch as Simon Magus and Menander, who all of them pretended tobe Chriftians ; but they fell a lufling, and exceedingly troubled and perplexed the Churches, with an endeavour to fedute them unto their Imaginations. Yet none of their Abo- minations could force an entrance into the Churches themfelves , which by the means infilted on, were pre- ferved. But when this Church-ftate and Order was changed,