f it ed unto the ends of Chri f 's Inflitution. 129 changed, and another gradually introduced in the room of it, Errours and Herefies got new advantages, and entered into the Churches themfelves, which before did only affault and perplex them. For, z. When Prerogative and Preheminence of any ßnnie Perfon in the Church began to be in efteem , not a few who failed in their attempts of attaining it, to revenge themfelves on the Church, made it their bufinefs to in- vent and propagatepernicious Herefies. Sodid Thebulis at Hierufalem, Enfeb. lib. 4. cap. 22. and Valenti/no, Tertul. ad. Valentin. cap. 4. and Marcion at Rome, Epiphan. Ha ref. 42. Montanur fell into his dotage on the fame account, fo did Novitianus at Rome, Eufeb. lib. 7. cap. 43. and Arius at Alexandria. Hence is that cenfure of them by Latiantius, lib. 4. cap. 3o. Ii quorum fidesfuit lubrica, cùmDeum noffefe 6, colere f rnularent, augendis opibus & honori fludentes , affeCtabant Maxi- mum, sacerdotium , 6, á potioribus vifti, fecedere cum fvffragatoribus maluerunt, quern easferre pr,epoftos qui. bus concupierant ipf ante pr.eponi. 2. When any of their Bifhops of the newConftitu- tion, whether Patriarchal or Diocefan, fell intoHerefes, which they did frequently, and that numbers of them, they had fo many advantages to diffufe their poyt< n into the whole Body of their Churches , and fuch Poli- tical inters for their Promotion, as that the Churches themfelves were throughly infe&ed with them, It is true, the Body of the People in many places did oppofe them, withdraw and feparate from them : but it cannot be denied, but that this was the firtt way and means whereby the Churches ceafed tobe the Ground and Pillar of Truth, many deftruerive Errours being received into them, which did only outwardly afl'ault them, whiltt they abode in their firft Inttitution. And had not the S Churches