Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

4 The Preface. this change introduced at once, or in one Age, nor were the leffer Alterations which began this Declenfion, fo pre- judicial unto the Being, Order, and Purity of the Chur- ches, as they proved afterwards, through a continual addi- tional encreafe in fucceeding Ages. Having affirmed fomething of this nature in my brief Vindication ofthe .Nonconformifts from the Guilt of Schifme, the Reverend Dr: Stillingfleet in his late Treatife entitled, The 2.lnreafonablenefs ofSeparation, doth not only deny it, but reflects with fome feverity upon the Mention of it Part 2. Set. 3.pag. 225, 2 26, &c. I fhall therefore on this Occafion reaffume the confiderationof it, although it will be fpokenunto alto, afterwards. The Words he oppofeth are thefe; It is poble that an impartial Account mayere long be given of theRate andways of thefrrft Churches, after the deceafe of the ,Jfpo.s`tles, wherein it will be made to appear how they did infenrbly deviate in many thingsfrom the Ruleoftheir firfl in,ftitution , fo as that though their Mi.ftaIes were of fmall moment, and not prejudicial unto their Faith and Order, yet occailon was adminis`tred unto fue- eceding,,.Qges to encreaf thofe Deviations, until theydied. in a fatal ,/fpoftacy; I yet fuppofe there words inoffegfive, and agreeable unto the Sentiments ofthe Generality ofProte- ftants. For, t. Unto thefirTh Churches after the Apoftles, I afcribe no- thing but fuckfnall MiFtaf¿es as did no way prejudice their Faith or Order. And that they did preferve the latter as well as the former, as unto all the fubflantial Parts of it, (hall be afterwards declared. Nor do I refleît any more upon them, then did Hegelippus in Eufbius, who confines theVirgin `Purity of the Church unto the days of the Apo- files ; lib. 3. cap. 29. The greater Deviations which I in- tend,began not until after the end ofthefecond Century. But, w. To Evince the improbability of any Alteration in Church..