Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

r 3o Congregational Churches alone Churches, in procefs of time, utterly loft their Primitive State and Order, by coalefcing into one Papal pretended Vniverfal Church 5 the Faith itfelf could never have been fo utterly corrupted , depraved, and loft among them, as in the iffue it was. 3. To propagate the Gofpel is in like manner required hereunto. This I acknowledge doth more immediately concern the Duty of Perlons in any Church-Order, than the Order itfelf. For it mutt be the work of fome par- ticular perlons dedicating themfelves unto their Miniftry, as it was in the firft Churches, 3 Joh. 5, 6, 7, 8. The like may be laid of any other public& acknow- ledged end of the Inflitution of Churches. If the Way pleaded for be not confiftent with them all, and the pro- per means of attaining them, if it be not fuited unto their accomplishment, let it be difcarded, I (hall infift on one more only. 3. Our Lord Jefus Chrift hath given that fiate unto his Churçhes, _ hath inflated them in that Order, as that his Intereji, Kingdome and Religion might be carried on in the world, without prejudice or difadvantage unto any of the lawful interefis of men , elpecially without any oppofition unto , or enterfering with the Civil Authority or Magiftracy , which is the Ordinance of God ; and no Church-way that doth fo, is of his lníti- tution. Wherefore I shall briefly declare, what are the Principles of thole of this Way in thole things, which are the Principles of the Way itfelf which they do pro. fefs. i. Our firft general Affertion untoithis purpofe is this ; The Lord yefrts Chrift taught no Do trine, appointed no Order in his Church, gave it no Power that is oppoftte unto, or inconfifient with any righteous Government in this world,, of whatfort foever it be, of thole whereunto Govern-