Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

fiited unto the ends ofChrift's In f itution. Y 3 Government is difiributed in Reafon and Pra lice. His Doctrine indeed is oppofed unto all Unrighteoufnefs in and of all men, Magifl:rates and others; but not to the legal Rule of Magiflrates that are unrighteous men. And this Oppotition is Do&rival only, confirmed with Promifes and Threatnings of eternal things, refuting and defpifing all outward aids of force and reftraint. This Rule we allow for the trial of all Churches, and their Gate , whether they be according unto the minds of Chrift. But whereas the Lord Jefus Chrift hath taught, coma manded , appointed nothing that is contrary unto, or inconfiftent with righteous Governments of any fort, if Rulers or Magiltrates fhaIl forbid the obfervance of what he hath commanded, appointed and ordered, and then charge it on him or his Way, that his Difciples cannot, dare not, will not comply with that Prohibition , and accule them thereon of Sedition and Oppofition unto Government, they deal injurioutly with him, whereof they 'muff give an account. For whereas all Power is given unto him in Heaven and Earth, all Nations are his Inheritance, all People in his abfolute Difpofal, and it is his plealure to ft up his Kingdom in the Earth, without which the Earth itfelf would not be continued ; He could not deal more gently with the righteous Ru- lers of this world, (and he did it, becaufe righteous Rule is the Ordinance of God) than to order all things fo, that whether they receive his Law and Dothine or no, nothing thould be done in oppofition unto them , or their Rule. And if anyof them are not contented with this meafure, but will forbid the obfervance of what he commands, wherein he alone is concerned and not they; this is left to be determined between him and them. In the mean time, when Rulers are not able to fancy, much S 2 lefs