fruited unto the ends ofChrift's Inftitution. , a 3 fo far as that what was determined in the synods, either as to Doc vine, or as unto the Rule of the Church, fhould be confirmed by the Imperial Authority, with penalties on all that fhould gainfay fuch Determinations; It is deplorable to confider, what mutual havock, was made among Chriftians upon the various Sentiments of Synods and Emperours. Yet this way pleafed the Rulers of the Church fo well, and as they thought eared them of fo much trouble, that it was fo far improved amongft them, that at 'aft they left no Power in or about Reli- gion or Religious Perlons unto the Civil Magiflrate, but what was to be exerciled in the execution of the De- crees and Determinations. of the Church. It is neceffary from this Inflitution ofparticular Chur- ches , that they have their Subfiftence, Continuation, Order , and the efficacy of all that they aec and do as. Churches , from Chrift himlelf : For whereas all that they are and do, is Heavenly, spiritual, and not of this world, that it reacheth nothing of all thole things which are under the Power of the Magifirate, that is, the Lives and Bodies of Men, and all Civil Interefts appertaining to them ; and affeec nothing but what no Power of all the Magiftrates under Heaven can reach unto, that is, the Souls and Confciences of men; no trouble can hence arife unto any Rulers of the world , no Contefts about, what they ought, and what they ought not to confirm, which have caufed great Diforders among many. 3. In particular all() , There neither is nor can be in this Church-Hate the leaft pretence ofPower or Authority to be aged towards, or over the Perfons of Kings or Rulers, which jhould either impeach their Right, or im- pede the exercife of their juft Authority. For as Chrift path granted no fuch Power unto the Church, fo it is impoffible that any pretence of it fhould be feated in a particular