Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

4 Congregational Churches alone particular Congregation , efpecially being gathered on this Principle, that there is no Church-Power properly fo called, but what is fo feated and that no Concurrence, Agreement or Affociation of many Churches, can adde a new, greater, or other Power or Authority unto them, than what they had tingly before. And what Power can fuch Churches at towards Kings, Potentates, or Rulers of Nations? Have they not the higheft Security, that it is uttterly impoflible that ever their Authority, or their perlons in the exercife of it, thould be impeached, hindered, or receive any detriment from any thing that belongs to this Church -ftate ? Thefe Principles I fay are fuficient to fecure Chriftian Religion, and the State, Order, and Power of Churches inftituted therein, from all reflections of Inconfiftency with Civil Government, or of influencing men into At- tempts ofits Change or Ruine. The fumure is, Let the outward frame and order of righteous Government be of what fort it will , nothing inconfiftent with it, no- thing entrenching on it, nothing making oppofition unto it , is appointed by Jefus Chrift , or doth belong unto that Church-Irate which he hath ordained and eftablithed. Two things only mutt be added unto thefe Principles, that we may not feet fo to diftinguifh the Civil State and the Church, as to make them unconcerned in each other : For , z. It is the unqueflionable Duty of the Rulers and Governours of the World, upon the Preaching of the Gofpel, to receive its Truth, and fo yield Obedience unto its Commands. And whereas all Power and Offi- ces are to be difcharged for God , whole Minifiers all Rulers be ; they are bound in the difcharge of their Office to countenance, fupply, and protect the ProfeJon and