Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

juited unto the endr ofChrift's 135 and Profefours of the Truth, that is, the Church, ac- cording unto the degrees and meafures which they (hall judge neceífary. 2. It is the Duty of the Church materially confi- dered, that is, of all thofe who are Members of it, in any Kingdom or Commonwealth , to be ufefully fub- fervient, even as Chri(lians, unto that Rule which is over them as Men, in all thofe ways, and by all thole means, which the Laws, Llfages, and Cuftoms of the Countries whereof they are, do dire and prefcribe. But thefe things are frequently fpoken unto. There are fundry other Confiderations, whereby it may be evinced, not only that this Order and State of Got-pet-Churches is not only confiftent with every righ- teous Government in the world, (1 mean that is fo in its Gonftitution, though as all other Forms, it be capable of Male-Adminiflration) but the moft ufeful and Cub- fervient unto its righteous Adminiftrations ; being ut- terly uncapable of immixing itfelf, as filch, in any of thole oecafons of the world , or State - Afairs , as may create the leaft difficulty or trouble unto Rulers. With others it is not fo. It is known, that the very Couftituti- onof the Papal Church, as it is Bated in t}ie. Canons ofir, is inconfiftent with the juft Rights of Kings and Rulers g and oft.times in the exercife of its Power deftru&ive unto their Perfons and Dominions. And herein con- curred the Prelatical Church -fiate of England, whilft it continued in their Communion, and held its dependance on the Roman Church. For although they had all their Power originally from the Kings of this Realm , as the Records and Laws of it do exprefsly affirm , That the Church of England was founded in Epifcopacy < by the King and his Nobles 5 yet they claimed Inch an addition ofPower and Authority, by vertue of their Office,from the Papal omnipotency as that they were Ringleaders in perplexing