136 No other Churchfate perplexing the Government of this Nation , under the pretence of maintaining of what they called, the Rights of the Church. And hereunto they were inabled by the very Conflitution of their Church-order, which gave them that Power, Grandeur, with Political Intereu, that were needful to effe&uate their Defigne. And face they have been taken off from this foundationof con- tefting Kings and Princes on their own Ecclfaflical Authority , and deprived of their dependance on the Power and Intereff of the Papal See, having nobottom for, or fupportment of their Church gate and Order, but Regal Favour and mutable Laws; there have on fuch Caufes and Reafons, which I [hall not mention, enfued fuch Emulations of the Nobility and Gentry, and fuch contempts of the Common- People, as leave it quefiio- nable , Whether their Adherence unto the Government be not more burdenfome and dangerous unto it, than were their antient Conteffs and;Oppofitions. CHAP. VII. No other''Church-tiate of Divine Inffitution. T may be it will be generally granted, I am fure it cannot be modefily denied, that particular Churches, or congregations, are of a Divine original Inftitution; as alto that the Primitive Churches continued long in that Form or Order. But it will be farther pleaded , that granting or fuppofing this Divine Inßitution of particular Churches, yet there may be Churches of ano- ther Form andOrder alto, as Diocefan or National, that we are obliged to fubmit unto. For although the A- poules