Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

138 No other ChurchJlate It is fuch aChurch.ftate alone, that we are now con- cerned to enquire after. Whatever of that kinde either is or may be imagined that entrenches not on the State, Liberty and Power of particular Congregations, is not of our prefent Conlderation. Men may frame and or- der what They pleafe, and what advantage they make thereby , [hall not be envied unto them , whilft they injure not any of the Inftitutions of Chrift. But, z. There Churches, as they are Churches, are meet and able to attain the Ends of Churches. To. fay they are Churches, and yet have not in themfelves Power to attain the ends of Churches, is to (peak contradi&ions, or to grant and deny the fame thing in the fame breath. For a Church is nothing but fuck a Society as hath- Po- wer, Ability and Fitnefs to attain thole ends for which Chrift hath ordained Churches : That which hath fo, is a Church ; and that which bath not fo, is none. Men may if they pleafe deny them to be Churches , but then I know not where they will finde any that are fo. For inftance, fuppofe men thould deny all the Parochial Churches in England to be fuch Churches as are intru- fted with Church-Power and Adminifirations, what Church in the firft In(tance could they require our Com- munion withal ? Will they fay, it is with the National, or Diocefan Churches? neither of thefe do, or can, as fuch , adminifter Sacred Ordinances. A man cannot Preach nor hear the Word, but in a particular Affembly. The Lord's Supper cannot be Adminiltred but in a par- ticular Congregation; nor any prefential local Commu- nion of Believers among themfelves, like that defcribed by the Apot}le, I Cor. chap. 12. and chap. 14. be other- wife attained. No Communion is firftly and immediately required, or can be required with Diocefan Churches as fuch. Wherefore it is Parochial particular Churches that we