140 No other .Church-State alone knows perfeClly, we do but guefs ; for there is not one word mentioned of any of their concernments in the Scripture. And we know that theCe Churches can- not be laid to have all the Power that Chrift bath en- trufted his Church withal, becaufe there is another Church , unto which they are in fubjeftion, and on which they do depend ; but it teems they have the next degree of Power unto that which is uppermoft. But whatever their Power be, it is fo adminiftred by Chan- cellors, Commiffaries, Officials, in fuch ways, and forfuch ends, that I (hall believe a difient from them and it to be schifm , when I believe it is Midnight , whilft the Sun fhines in his full ftrength and Glory. And then we are told of Parochial Churches, who have this Power only, that if we do not in them whatever is re- quired of us, not by them, but thole that are put over them, they can inform againft us, that we may be mul- ted and punifhed. rhir-dly. It will be laid that there Churches, as fuch, are indeed originally entrufted and invefted with all Church- Rights, Power and Authority; but for many weighty Realons are abridged in fundry things of the exercifeof them. For who can think it meet, that every tingle Parifh fnould be entrufted with the exercile of all Church- Rule and Power among themfelves ? Anfw. (i.) Whole fault is it, that thefe Churches are not meet for the exercife of that Power which Chrift bath granted unto fuch Churches ? If it be from them- felves their Negligence, or Ignorance, or Wickednefs, it is high time they were reformed, and brought in- to that ftate and condition; wherein they may be fit and able to anfwer the ends of their Inflitution. (2.) They are indeed ferry Churches, that are not as meet to exercife all Church- Power according to -the minde of