Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Preface. deferted, as it teems to be by this Author: Others fuppofe that immediately upon, or at, or after the Deceafe of the Apoftles, this new Order of Bifhops was appointed to fuc- ceed the Apoffles in the Government ofthe Churches, that were then gathered or planted. But how, when, or by whom, by what tuthority, Apollolical and Divine, or Ec- clefiaflical only and humane, nonecan declare ; feeing there is not the leaft footftep ofany lath thing either in the Scrip- ture or in the Records that remain of the primitive Church- es. Others think thisnewOrder of Officers, took its occa- fional Rife, from the Praecice ofthe Presbyters of the Church at .Alexandria, who chofe out one among themfèlves con- ftantly toprefide in the Ruleofthe Church, and in all mat- ters ofOrder, unto whom they afcribedforce kind of Pre- heminence and Dignity, peculiarlyappropriating unto him the name ofBifhop. And if this be true as unto matter of Fast, I reckon it unto the Beginnings ofthofe lefi harmful Deviations from their OriginalConftitution; which Iaffign- ed unto Primitive Churches ; But many Additions mull be made hereunto, before it will help the Caufe of Diocefan Epifeopacy. What other occafions hereof were given or taken, what Advantages were made ufe of toyromote this Alteration, {ball be touched upon afterwards. 2. Whymay not the Churches be fuppofed to have de- parted from their original Con.flitution, Order, andRule, as well as from their firft Faith and Worship, which they did gradually in many fucceffive Ages, until bothwere utterly corrupted. The Caufes, Occafions, and Temptations lead- ing unto the former, are to the full as pregnant as thofe leadingunto the latter. For z. There was no vicious corrupt difpofition of Mind, . that began more early towork in Church Officers, nor did more grow and thrive in the Minds ofmany, then Amcition, withdelire ofPreheminence, Dignity, and Rule. It is not to.