Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The `Preface. 9 in Eccleliaflical Riders, and which in the fourth and fifth Centuries openly proclaimed itfelf unto the feandal of Chriftian Religion, there was a greater difpofition in them unto a Deviation from the Original Inftitution; Rule, and Order of the Church, no way fuited unto the frtisfadionof that ,/lmbirion, thenunto a Defe &ion from the PurityofFaith and Worship; which yet alfo followed. 2. As the Inclination ofmany,lay towards fuch a De- viation, fo their Interefts lead them unto it, and their Temptations cats them upon it. For to acknowledge the Truthunto our Author and Others, the Rule and Con- dud of the Church, the Prefèrvationof its Order and Difcipline according unto its firft Inftitution,' and the Dire&ions givenin the Scripture about it, are according unto our Apprehenfion of thefe things, "a Matter fo weighty in itfelf, fò dangerous as unto its 'fine, attend- ed with fo many Difficulties, Trials and. Temptations, laid under fuch fevere Interdictions of Lordly Power, or Peeking either of Wealth or. Dignity, that no wife men will ever undertake it, but meetly out of a fenfe ofa Call from Chrift unto it, and in compliance with that Duty which he owes unto him. It is no pleaCnt thing unto Fleth and Blood, tobe ingaged in the con- dud and overfight of Chrifls Volunteers, to bear with their manners, to exercife all Patience towards them iri their Infirmitiesand Temptations, towatch continually over their walkings and converfation, and thereon per-, fonally to exhort and admonifh them all, to fearch dili- gently and fcrupuloufly into the irle ofthe Scripture for their Warranty in every At of their Power and Duty; under all their Weakneffes and Mifcarriages, continuing an high valuation of them, as ofthe Flockof God ,xvl ich , C. he