Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Preface. 13. futility, Ambition, the utter neglea of the Difcipline of Chrift, and'Superftition. But yet let any man perufe that fliflorian who wrote with this exprefs DeGgn, he frail hardly fix upon many ofthofe in.ftañces whereby the Empire came into that deplorable condition, wherein it wasnot able to bear its Diempers nor its Cure, fuch as.. was the State of the Church before the Reformation. But betides thecommon difficultyof difcovering theBe- ginnings and gradual Progreffion of Decays, DeclenG- ons and Apoftacy, thofe which we treat ofwere begun and carried 'on in a myflerious manner; that is, by the effe&ual working of the Myflery of Iniquity. As this almoft hid totally the work of it, from the Ages wherein it was wrought, fo it renders the Difcovery of it now accomplifhed, the moredifficult. 'aJengers in a Ship letting out to Sea, oftimes difcern not the progref G,ve:Notion of the Ship; yea, for a while the Land ra- -ther feems to tomove from them, then the Veffel where- in they are from it., But after a Seaton the confidera- tion ofwhat Dance they are at from their Port, gives them fufficient Affurance of the Progrefs that hath been made. So is this Declention of the Churches from their Primitive Order and Inftitution, is difcoverable, rather by meafiiring the Diftance between what it left, and what it arrivedunto, then byexprefs Inflances ofit. But yet is it not altogether likeuntothat ofa Ship at Sea, but rather unto tie way ofa Serpent on a Roc!¿," which leaves Come [lime in all its turnings and windings, whereby he may be traced. Such Marks are left on Record, ofthe Serpentine Works ofthis My.11ery of Iniquity, as whereby it may be traced, with more or le(s Evidence from its Original Interefbs unto its Accomplifhment, The rrincípal promoting caufes of this Defe uion on the