Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

16 The Prefice. with his Church. For there hath been no Nation in the Worldwhich publickly received Chriftian Relígiòn,but it. bath been wafted and deftroyed by the (word of`Pa- gan Idolaters, or filch as are no better then they. At firft all the Provinces of the Weilern Empire, were one after another made defolate by the Pagan Nations of the Northern Countreys ; who themfelves did afterwards fo turnÇhriftians; as,to lay among; them the Foundati- on of .anti-Chrif7ianifine, Rev. 17. 12, 13. The &flern Empire comprehending the Refidue of the Provinces that had embrace& the Chriftian Religion, was firfi de- folated in the chiefBranches' of it, by the Saracens, and at length utterly deftroyed by theTurks. And I pray God that the like Fate doth not at this day hang over the Reformed Nations,as from their Profeßion they are called. Dowe think that all this was without caufe ? Did God give up his Inheritance to the (poil of Barba- rous Infidels, withoutfuch provocations, as the paffing by whereof, was inconfiftent with the Holinefs and Righteoufuefs ofhis Rule? It was not the Wifdom, nor the Courage, nor the Multitude oftheir Enemies, but their own Sins, Wickednefs, Sulerftition, 'and Apofta- cy from the Rule ofGofpel-Order, Worffiip and Obe- dience, which ruined all Chriftian.Nations. But to give fartherEvidence hereunto, I .hall confi- der the caafis aforementioned diftinétly and apart. And the firft of them is the Negligence of the people them- felvés. But in this Negligence I comprize both the Ig- norance, Sloth, Worldlinefs, Decay inGifts and Graces, with Superftirion in fundry Inftances, that in many of them were the caufes of it. Dr. Stil. pleads that it is very unlikely that the 'People would forego their Interei in the