In this Rate of things, I. fay, the Principles we pro- ceed upon, ' are the moll of ful unto the procuring of Peace and Union among thofe Churches, in the flare wherein they are, and without which it will never be effeíled. I fhall therefore give an Account of thofe of them, which are ofthis Nature and Tendency. t. And theffirff is, the abfölutenecety ofa generalRe formation in Lif and Manners ofallforts of Perrns; be- longingunto thefe Churches. It is fufficiently known what a woful Condition the Profefhon even ofthe ''rotellanb eligion is fallen into. How little evidence is there left- of the Power of Evangelical Grace, working in the Heartsof Men! what little diligence in the Duties of Holinefs and Ptighteoufnefs ! What a Deluge ofall forts ofVices hath overwhelmed the Nations !. and what in- dications. there are ofthe Difpleafure of God againft us,. on-the account of thefe things r. Who Both not almoft tremble at them? Calvin, unto whom I was newly fens by. our Reverend Author, in Anfwer to them who pleaded for a Separation from a trueChurch, becaufe of the Wicl4ednefs ofntanyofits Members, or any of them,. adder unto it It is a moll jufl nfnce, and unto which there is too much occafon given in this e%lliferable 1ge: or is it lawful to excufe our curfedfioth, which the Lord will not let go unpunifhed,_ as he begins already to chaffife- us withgrievowsfiripes. Wo therefore unto us> who, by our df/ lute licentioufi4in flagitiousfins, docaufe that the weak óonfciences of. men fheuld be wounded for z . And Wit were fo then, the matter is not muchemended in the Age wherein we live. The Truth is, Sin and Impiety are come to that height and. impudence, Senfuality and Op-> prefiiou: