Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 3O2 ) preffton are fo diflufed among all forts of Perfons, Con- fòrmity unto ,the fafhion ofthe World, become fb uni- verfal=and theEvidences ofGods Difpleafure, with the Beginnings and Entrances ofhis judgements, are fo dif- played, as that if the Reformation pleaded for be not fucedily endeavoured, and vigoroufly purfued, it will be too late to talk ofDifferences and Union ; Deftru- Ilion will (wallow up all. Until this be agreed on, un- til it be attempted and efl^eeted in Tome good Meafùre, all endeavours for farther Union, whatever there ap- pearing fuccefs íhould be (as probably it will be very (mall) will be of no ufè unto the honour of Pseligion, the Glory of Chrift, nor Good ofthe Souls of men. In the mean time Individual Perfons will do well to take care of themfelves. 2. That all these during Churches, and whilft there Difèrèncesdo continue, be taught to prefer their gene- ral Interefi in oppofition unto the Kingdom of Satan and Antichrifi in the World , before the leffer things wherein they differ, and thofe occational Animofities that will enfiae upon them. It hath been obíerved in many places that the nearer Come Men or Churches. come together in their Profeffion, the more diftant they are in their Afèé'iions ; as the Lutherans in many places do more hate the calvinifis then the PapifLs, I hope it is not fo" among us. This makes it evident that the Want of m eceffry Peace and union among Churches, doth not proceed from the things themfelves wherein they differ, but from the corrupt Lufis, and Interefis of the Ter.- fns that differ. This Evil can nootherwife be cured, but by fuch a Reformation as (hall in Tome meafure re- duce `Primitive Simplicity, Integrity and Love, fuch as were