Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 303 ) were among the. Churches of the Converted Yews and Gentiles, when they walked acdording unto the f nee Rule, in what they had attained; forbearingone another in Love, as unto the things wherein they differed. Un- til this alfo be effected, all endeavours for farther Uni- on, whil1 thefè Differences continue, (as they are like to do, unlefs the whole frame of things in Europe fhould be changedby Come .great Revolution) will be,fruitlefs and Ufelefs. Were this confcientioufly infifted on, out of a pure Love unto Jefes Chrift, withZeal for his Glory, it would not only be of more ufe, then innumerable wrangling Difutes about the points in Difference, but more then the exallefi Methods in contriving Formularies of Con- lent, or Colloquies, or Synodical Conferences of the Parties at variance, with all their Solemnities, Orders, Limita- tions, Precautions, Conceffions and Orations. Let men fay what they will, it mutt be the Revival, Flou- riffling and E3ercife of Evangelical Light, Faith and Love, that thall heal the Differences and breaches that are among the Churches of Chrift ; nor fhalI any thing elfe be honoured with any great influence into that work. 3. That all Communionof Churches as fùch, confifts in theCommunion of Faith and Love, in the Adminiftra- tion of the farcie Sacraments , and common Advice in things of common concerment. All thefe may be ob- ferved, when for fundry Reafons, the Members of them cannot have local prefential Communion in fome Ordi- nances, with each Church diftindly. Ifthis Truthwere well eftablifhed and confented unto, men might be eaflly