Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 304 ) early convinced, that there is' nothing wanting unto that Evangelical Union among Churches which the Go- fpel requiries, but only their own humble, holy, peace- able Chriftian walking in their feveral Places and Stati- ons. But where men put their own Intereffs and Pof- feflion ofprefent Advantages, cloathed under the Pre- tence of things neceffary thereunto, into conditions of Communion, or divefl it of that latitude wherein Chriff path left it, by new Limitations of their own, it will never be attained on the true Evangelical Principles, that it muff proceed upòn. For however any may be difpleafed with it, I muff affert and maintain, that there is nothing required by our Lord Jefus Chrifl, unto this -end of the Communion of Churches, nor to any other end ofChurch Order or Worfhip whatever, but that only in whole Obfervance and Performance, there is an adual Exercile of Evangelical Grace in Obedience unto him. 4. That all Private Members of there feveral Chur- ches which agree in the Communion before mentioned, be left unto their own Liberty and Confciences, to communicate in any ofthofe Churches, either occa%'ral- ly or in a fixed way and manner. Neither Orders nor cosnpulfory Decrees will be ufefhl in this Matter, in corn- parifon oftheir owndeclared Liberty. And fo it was a- mong the Primitive Churches. 5. Where Men are invincibly hindered from total com- munion with any Church, by Impoftions which they cannot comply withal without Sin, or by continuing in it, are deprived of the due means oftheir Edification, the Churches whereunto they did belong rfu(ing all Ref rma-