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The `Preface, 2! Burial places, at belt in private Houfes. And they had for what they did the Example of the Apoftolical Churches; Adis t. 13, I4../iis 2.46. chap. 4. 24,'3I. chap. 12'. 12. chap. 18. 7. chap. 20. 8. chap. 21. 18. In- [tames of lush Meetings may he rnultiplyed, efpecially in the Church ofRome. And to manifeft that they took this courfe upon Neceffity, when Peace begun to be re- flored at any time unto them, they defigned Temples that might receive the whole Multitude ofthe Church to- gether. The Diftribution mentioned into Titles and `Parishes, began a long time after,and in very few places within 3eo years. In this State, it is eafie to conceive what .Alterations might fall out in fome Churches from their Primitive Order, efpecially how the `People might defert their diligence and Duty in attendingunto all the concernsof the Church. And ifdiode things which the Apoftles wrote unto them in their Epifiles, the Inftru&i ons, Directions and Commands, how in all things they fhould ad and deport themfelves in the Church, be e fteemed to be Obligatory in all Ages, i cannot fee how after the fecond Century they were .much complyed withal, unleísit were in the Tingle Inftance of chooling their own Officers or Rulers. But Secondly; After there there enfued greater Occa fions ofgreater Variations from the Primitive Inftituti- on and Order of the Churches; on the Part ofthe Peo- ple. For i. Such JCtimbers ofthem were received into a Rela- tion unto particular Churches, as was inconfiftent with the Endsof their Inftitution, and the Obfervance ofthe Communion required in them, as will afterwards appear. And the Reliefes that were invented for this Inconveni- ency