Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 306 ) God, and Co expofe our felves and the whole Nationun- to. his defolating Judgement, which. Teem already to be impendent over us. The third Abfurdity which he chargeth on our Pra- aile is, that it willjxjlifie the antient Schifines which have been always condemned in the Chrijlian Church; and in the mannagement of this Charge, he proceedeth, ifI miftake not, with more then ordinary vehemency and feverity, though it be a Matter wherein we are leali of all con- cerned. Tomake Effectual this Charge, He firfi affirms in ge- neral, thatfitting aide a f w things, theypleaded the f me Rcafits for their Separation, as 1dofor ours; Which how great a Alifla/,e it is {hall be manifefied immediately. Secondly, He gives Inftances in feveral Schifines, that were fcb condemned by the Chriflian Church, and whole. PraCtife is juftifiedby us. In Anfwer hereunto, I (hall firft premife force things in general, {hewing the Infuffìciency of this Argument to prove againfl us the ChargeofSchifine, and then con- fider the 1nßances producedby him. I fay, r. In times ofDecay, the declining times of Churches or ftates, it cannot be, but that force will be unea(ie ins their Minds, although they know not how to remedy what is amies, nor it may be fix on the particulars which are the right and true Caufes ofthe flare which they find troublefomeunto them. And whil{i it is fo with them, it is not to be admired at, that fome Perlons do fall into irregular %ttempts for the redreffing of what is amiß. The