Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 307 ) TheChurch, where the inftances infifted on happened; was falling into a Myfierions Decay from its original In- ftitution, Order and Rule, which afterwards encreafed more and more continually. But all being equally in- volved in the fame Declenrion, the Remedies which they propofèd who were unea,lie either in themfèlves or in the manner of their Application, were worfè then the Dif- cafe ; which yet lying nncxred and continually encrea- fing, proved in the iflue the Ruin of them all. But here lay the Original of the Differences and Sckifnes which fell out in the 3d, 4th, and 5th Centuries ; that having all in Tome Meafure departed from the Original Inftitution, Rule and Order of Evangelical Churches, in fundry things, and caft themfelves into new formes and Orders, their Differences and Qharrels related all unto them, and could have had no fuch occafion, had they kept themfelves unto their Primitive Conftitution. Wherefore thofe Schifnes which were faid tobe made by them that continued found in the Faith, as thole of the Andean, and e7ileletians as by force is pretended, and Johannites at Confiantinople, with fundry other, feeing they differted not any Order of Divine Inflitution, but another which the Churches were infenfibly fallen into ; No Judgement can be made upon a meer Separation, whether of the Parties at Difference were to blame ; I am fure enough that fometimes neither of them could be excufed. Whether the Caufes, Reafons, Ends, Defagns, and ways ofthe Mannagement of thole Differences that were between them, on which Schifrnes in their prefent Order did enfue, were juft, regular, according to the Mind of Chrift, proceeding from Faith and Love, is that whole Determination muft fix aright the Guilt of the Divifions that were among them. And whereas we Q_ c1. 2 judge