Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(308) judge nuoft of thole who fo feperated from the Church òf old, as-is here alledged, to have failed in thefe things, and therein to have coiitraaed Guilt unto themlelves, as occafioning unwarrantable Divifions, and mifing wholly the onlywayofCure for what was really blame- worthy in others ; Yet whereas we allow nothing to be Sch.fete properly, but what is 'contrary to Chriftian Love, and deftru&ive offorne innitution ofChtifi, we are notmuch concernedwho was in the Right or Wrong, in thofe Contefts which fell out among the Orthodox themílve.r, but only as theywere carried on unto a to- tal Renunciationof all Communion whatever ; but on- ly that which was enclofed unto, their own Party. 2. To Evidence that we give the leaf countenance mito the antient Schifines, or do contra& the Guilt with the Authors of them, the thing aimed at, thereare three things incumbent on him to prove. x. That our Parochial Churches from whom we do refrain aual. prefential Communion in all Ordinances, where it is required by Law, which cannot be many and but one at one time, do fùcceed into the roomof that Church, in:a Separation from which,, thofe Schifines did confin. For we pats no Judgement on any other Church ; but what concerns our felves as unto. prefent Duty, though that in a Nationmay be extended unto many or all of the fame fort. But thefeSchifines confift- ed in a profeffed Separation from the whole Catholic& Church, that is, all Chriftians in the. World, who joyn- ed not with them, in. their Opinions and Pratifes, and from thewhole Church ftate then paffant and allowed. But our Author knows full well,, that there are others, who