(309) who long before our Parochial Churches., do lay claim unto the abfolure enclofure of this Church fate unto themfelves, and thereon condemnboth himand us, and all the Proteftants in the World, of the fame Schifme that thofe ofold were guiltyof; efpecially they make a continual Clamour about theWovatians and Donati.}fs. I know that he is able to difpoffefs the Church of Rome from that Ufurpation of the State and Rights of the antient Catholic(Churcb, from whence thofe Separations were made, and it hath been fufficiently doneby others. But fo Loon as we have calf that out of Poffeffion, to bring in our 'Parochial .flmblies into the room of it, and to prefs the Guilt ofSeparation from them, with the fame Reafons and Arguments, as we were all ofus but newly preffed withal by the `.Komar s, namely, that hereby we give countenance unto them, yea do the fame things with them, who made Schifines in Separa- ting from the Catholic( Church of old, is fomewhat, re- vere and unequal.. Whereforeunlefs the Church from which they _fepa rated, which was thewhole Catholic(Church in the World, not,agreeing and a ingwith them, and thole Parochial .Afemblies from whofe Communion we refrain, are the fame and of the fame confederation, nothing can be ar- gued from thole ancient Schfine.c againft us; nor is any countenance givenby us unto them. For ifit be asked ofus, whether it be freeor lawful, . for Believers to joyn in Society and full Communion with other Churches, betides thofe that are ofour way, and 'efpecial Commu- nion, we freely anfwer, that we no way doubt of it,nor do judge them for their fo doing, z h