Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(312) thereon will be ofanother Mind ; not as unto our Caufe in general, which I am far enough from the expectation of; but as unto this invidious Charge of giving Counte- nanceunto theSchifres condemned ofoid in the Church. And we {hall fee immediately, what were the Occaffons ofthofe Schifines which we are as remote from giving countenance unto, as unto the Principles and Reafons which they pleaded in their own Juftification. 5. It ought altoto be proved,that the Separation which is charged on us, is of thefame nature with that charged on them ofold, for otherwife we cannot be Paid to give any Countenance unto what they did. For it is known they fo feparated from all other Churches in the World, as toconfine the Church ofChrift unto their own Party, to condemn all others, and to deny Salvation unto all that abode in their Communion, which the Donatfls "did with thegreateft, fiercenefs. This was that which if any thing, did truely and properly conftitute them Schifratic/zs ; as it Both thofe allö, who deny at this day, Church State and Salvation, unto filch Churches as have not Diocefan Bifcps. Now there is noPrinciple in the World that we domore abhor. Wegrant a Church ftatc unto all, however it may be defective or corrupt- ed, and a poffibility of Salvation unto all their Mem- bers, which are not gathered in pernicious Errors, over- throwing the Foundation, nor Idolatrous in their Wor- [hip, and who have a lawful Miniftry with fufficient means for their Edification, though low in its Meafures and Degrees. We judge none but with refpeét unto our own Dirty, as unto the Impofitions attempted to be laid on' us, and the AsofCommunion required of us ; which