( 3°14) alto is reported the Decree which they made in the Cafe, wherein they call his Opinion Cruel or inhumane and contrary to 'Brotherly Love. As fuch it is ftrenu- oufly confated by Cyprian Epift. 82. ad .Antonianurn. But becaufe the Church would not fubmit unto this Novel falfe Opinion ofhis, contrary to the Scripture and the Difcipline of the Church, he and all his Followers feparated from all the Churches in the World, and re- baptized all that were baptized in theOrthodox Churches, they denyingunto them themeans of Salvation. Cypri- an ad Julian : Epift. 73. Eufeb. lib. 7. cap. 8. That which was molt probably falfeallo in Matter of Fact when this foolith Opinion, which Dionysus of .Alexandria in his Epiftie to DionyPo of Rome, calls a moll profane Do- ¿him, reße ling unmerciful cruelty on our waft gracious Lord 7efus Chrß s Eufeb. lib. 7. cap. 8. was invented to be fubfervient unto, was that many of thole by whom Cornelius was chofen Bithop, were fuch as had denied the Faith under the Perfecution of Decius the Emperor. This alto was falfe in MatterofFah Foralthough that Church continued in the antient Faith and pra&ife of receivingpenitents after their Fall, yet there were no fuch number ofthem, as to influence the Eleition of Corne- lius. So Cyprian tettifteth, FaCtus of Cornelius Ep f opus,, de Dei &Chr i ejusjudicio, de Clericorum panne omnium Tefiinaonio, de fuffragio Plebis, &c. 'pi.ft. 52. On that filfe Opinion and this frivolous Pretence they continued' their Schifine ; Hence afterwards, when Confantine the Emperor fpake with Acejius the Bithop of the ovati_ ans at Conflantinople finding him found in the Faithofthe Trinity, which was then impugned by ,Arius, he asked him why then he did not communicate with the Church;, whereon he began, to tell him a ttory ofwhat had hap- pened