Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 315 ) poled in the time ofDecius the emperor, pleading nothing elfe for himfelf; theEmperor replying only, OAcefius,. fit up a ladder and climb aloneby thy/elf into Heaven, left him. Socrat. lib. i cap. 7. This Error endeavoured to be impofed on all Chur- ches, this falfe Pretence in Matter ofFa&, with the fol- lowingPride in the condemnation ofall other Churches, denying unto them the lawful ufe oftheSacraments, and rebaptizingthemwho were baptized in them, do if we may believe the Door herein contain all my T leas for the forbearance ofCommunion with `Parochial .,lfmblies, andhave countenance givenunto them by our Princi- ples and Praóiifes. Of theeleletians whom he reckons up in the next place, no certain Account can be given, Epiphanius re- ports e2Jleletus himfelf to have been a Good honefi Or- thodox Bifbop ; and in the Difference between him and Teter Bithop of .,&exandria to havé been more for Truth, as the other was more for Love and Charity. And according unto him, it was Teter and not lele- tus that began the Schifme ; Revel:68. N 2, 3. But o- thers give quite another account of him. Socrates af- firmes that in time of Perfecution he had facrificed to Idols, and was for that Reafon depofedfrom his Epifco- pacy by Teter of.íllexandria s Lib. 3. cap. 6. Hence he was enraged againft him, and filled all Thebais and ./E- gypt with Tumults againft him, and the Churchof .sflex- andria, with intolerable Arrogance, becaufe he was con- viáed of fundry Wickedneilès by `Peter. Theod. lib. i. cap. 8. Andhis Followersquickly complyedwith the Arians for their Advantage. The Error he pro- R r 2 ceeded