Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(317) Earflathius the Bifhop of Sebaflia in Armenia, and his Followers, are alto inftanced in, as Orthodox Schfrda- ticks, and as fuchwere condemned in a Council at Gan- græ inPaphlagonia. But indeed before that Council, Euflathius had been condemned by his own Father Eu- lanius and other Bithops, at Cæfarea in Cappadocia. And hewas fo for fundry foolifh Opinions and evil Praftifes, whereby he deferved to be fodealt withal. It doth not untome appear cettainly whether he fell into thofe O- pinions before his Reje6tion at Cæfarea, wherehe was principally if not only charged with his indecent and fantaflical habit and Garments. Wherefore at theCoun- cil of Gangre. he was not admitted to make anyApology for himfelf, nor could be heard, becaufe he had innovat- edmany things, after his Depofition at Cæfrea ; fuch as forbidding ofMarriage, Paving of Women, denying the lawfulnefs of Priefts keeping their Wives, who were married before their Ordination, getting away. Servants from their. Matters, and the like ; Socrat. TAU. lib. 2. chap. 3. Thefe were his Pretences of Sanctity and Pu- rity, as the Dr. acknowledgeth ; and. I appeal unto his Ingenuity and candour, whether any Countenance be givenunto fuch Opinions and Praétifes thereon, byany thing we fay or do.. This Inftance and force others ofan alikeNature, the Door affirmes that he produced in his Sermon, but that they weregently paffëd over by myfelt and Mr. B.. I con- refs, I. took no notice of them, becaufe I was fatisfìed that the caufe under Confideration was no way concer- ned in them. And the Dr. might to as Good Purpofè have inftanced inforty other Schifines, made for the mofi:: Pare.