Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

Part by the Ambition of`Bifbops, in the Churches of ,,i lexandria, Antioch, Contantinople, *me, and fundry other places ; yea, in that made by Epiphanies himfelf at Conflantinople, upon as weighty a Caufe, as that of thole who contended about, and ftrove for and againft the driving offheep over the Bridge, where there were none prefent. The ftory ofthe Lucifirians, is not worth repeating; In fhort, Lucifer the Bifhop of Caralli in Sardinia, be- ing angry that Paulinus whom he had ordained Ti/hop at Antioch w9s not received, fell into great diflention with Eufeebius Bifhop ofVercelli in Italy, who had been his Companion in Banifhment, becaufe he approved not what he had done at Antioch; And continuing to con- tend for his own Bithop, it occafioned a great Divifion among the People, whereon he went home to his own Place, leaving behind him a fewfollowers, who wran- gled for a timeabout the OrdinationofBithops by Irian, by whofe means Lucifer had been banifhed, and fo after a while difappeared. I had almoft miffed the Inftance of the Donatifls. But the rimy of them is fo well known, that it will not bear the Repetition. For although there be no menti- on ofthem in Socrates or Zozoman, nor the Hillery of Theodoret, yet all things that concerned them are fo fully declared in the Writings of Auflin and Optatus againft them as there needs no other account of them. And this InCtance of an Heretical Schifine, is that which the Papifts vehemently urge againft the Church of England itfelf, and all other Proteftants. Here their eapon is borrowed for a little while, to give a wound unto our Caufe, but in vain. Yet I know full well that