t 3,9 ) that it is eafier for force men on their Principles, to'flou- rifh with this Weapon againft us, than todefend them- felves againft it in the hands of the Pap r. In breif there Donati.fls were upon the matter of the fame Opi- nion with the Nóvatians 3 and as thefe grounded their diffenfion, on the receiving thofe into the Church who had fallen and facríficed under Decius ; fo did there on a pretence offeverity againft thofewho had been Tradi- tors, under e iaximinus. Upon this Pretence improv- ed bymany falfe Allegations,. Donatus and thofe. that followed him reje&ed Cecilianus who was lawfully cho- fen and ordained Bifhop of Carthage, letting up one Majorinus in oppofition unto him. Not fucceeding herein, on this fbolifh unproved Pretence, that Cecili- anus had been ordained by Traditor, they rejected the Communion ofall the Churches in the World, confined the whole ChurchofChrift unto their own Party ; de- nied Salvation unto any other, rebaptized all that came unto them from other Churches, and together with a great number of Bps that joyned with them, fell into molt extravagant Exorbitances.. Upon. the Confideration of thofe Schifines, the Dr: concludes, that on theef Grounds there bathfarce been any conjiderable Schifne in the Chriflian Church, but may be juJifed upon Dr. O's 7eafons, for Separation from our Church. Concerning which I mutt:take the Liberty to fay, that Í do not remember that ever I read in any Learned Author, an Inference made, or Conclufion of forted, that had fo little countenance given unto it by thePremifes whence it is inferred; as there is into this,by the Inftances before infiftedon, whence it is pretended to be.educed. All